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Golden Healer Mountain Points

Golden Healer Mountain Points

Regular price $32.00 USD
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Golden Healer Quartz: also known as Hematoid Quartz, is formed when Hematite and Quartz come together, only found in Arkansas USA and Brazil. Together in Golden Healer Quartz, Hematite and Quartz will rejuvenate your sense of motivation, brighten your outlook and open your eyes to new possibilities. Golden Healer Quartz is a high-vibration crystal and a master healer. It will raise your vibrations, amplify your intentions, and release any blockages that are present in your body and in your life.

It connects with your base, root and crown chakras to bring stability to your spirit and a new perspective to your mind. Working with the Golden Healer Quartz meaning empowers you to stay in control of your emotions and reactions, even when you feel tested. Next time you are on the verge of reacting from a place of negativity, reach for a Golden Healer Quartz to decompress and re-center.

Golden Healer Quartz reminds you not to take things so personally. Whenever something is said or done that triggers an argument or negative reaction, take a moment to step away and reconnect with the energy of Golden Healer Quartz. Rather than saying something you’ll only wind up regretting, it’s better to remove yourself from the situation and use your crystal to calm yourself down and prevent tensions from escalating. Golden Healer Quartz will help to raise your vibration to a higher state so that you can have better control of your own actions.

Golden Healer Quartz is a crystal of success. It is thought increase your self-confidence and boost your creativity that will help you achieve success in business and other pursuits. It will help keep your focus and filter out the distractions. It will also encourage you to move forward after going through a disappointing or negative experience.

NOTE: Each stone is natural, unique and beautiful so please expect slight variations in color, texture, and size, no two are alike. You will receive ONE crystal similar to the one in this image and Intuitively chosen.

The information given is purely metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Crystal Healing is not an independent therapy, but one that is part of a holistic healing approach. It is not to be used as a prescription, diagnosis or treatment.

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