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Blue Onyx Mountain Points

Blue Onyx Mountain Points

Regular price $76.00 USD
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Healing • Past-Life • Communication

Lemurian Blue Calcite gets its name from its affinity to the element of water, its connects to a ‘flow’ of energy, and resonation with the ancient consciousness of Lemuria. Whether a physical or etheric place, Lemuria was a realm of the watery qualities—intuition, dreaming, feeling and visionary consciousness. Resonates with the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras, as well as the etheric chakras above the head.

• It carries water and earth energies and is a powerful conduit of interdimensional communication and ascension energy, and has a strong vibrational connection to Source. Said to accelerate the spiritual growth and ascension process.
• Opens and activates the Throat Chakra to promote clear, optimistic, and peaceful communication.
• Resonates with the Heart Chakra to bring deep, emotional healing, clearing the path for greater peace and happiness. It helps with negative emotions such as stress, fear, worry and anxiety.
• It helps increase awareness of spirit guides and angelic guardians, and allows for easier communication
• Facilitates a connection with ancient cultures (especially Atlantis and Lemuria)
• It enhances dream life and facilitates lucid dreaming
• It is ideal for opening up one’s capacity for recalling past lives, ancient knowledge and tuning in to the morphic fields of the Earth’s past.
• Assists with past life recall.
• Strengthen psychic ability.
• Helps you be compassionate toward others but not be consumed by their emotion.

It is deeply soothing on an emotional level, calming and allowing flow with one’s emotions rather than battling against them. It can assist in having empathy for others, facilitating supportiveness without absorbing or being drained by other’s emotional states. It works powerfully at deflecting negative energies and helps you attain emotional balance and self-control. Lemurian blue calcite also works brilliantly at harmonizing the masculine and feminine aspects of one’s self for total balance within.

It’s one of the key gemstones of spiritual ascension with a strong vibrational connection to Source. Said to originate from Lemuria, a spiritually advanced matriarchal culture that held a deep connection to the cosmos, this gem’s gentle vibration reminds you of its healing power and lineage. Working with Lemurian blue calcite can unlock past-life memories from Lemurian lifetimes, facilitate interdimensional communication, and bring strong water element energies. If you feel called to work with this crystal, chances are that you lived a lifetime in Lemuria!
It opens up multi-dimensional consciousness and facilitates connections with higher dimensional and angelic beings. It is said to aid ad assist telepathic abilities.

NOTE: Each stone is natural, unique and beautiful so please expect slight variations in color, texture, and size, no two are alike. You will receive ONE crystal similar to the one in this image.

The information given is purely metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Crystal Healing is not an independent therapy, but one that is part of a holistic healing approach. It is not to be used as a prescription, diagnosis or treatment.


Lemurian Aquatine Calcite or Lemurian blue calcite or Blue Onyx

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